Tuesday 6 April 2010

A4E Supporting your future?

Last august I was one of the many how had the pleasure of going on a so-called training course with Action 4 Employment also known has A4E. Now due to the fact that I've still being unable to find a job i once again have the pleasure of going on a course with them which is 4 times longer than the one i was on before. During the 13 week course I had to endure, I had to do so-called team building exercises including building a dinosaur out of newspaper and sellotape and origami (which is not something usually done in a team) with the instructions in Spanish, and walk around during a heatwave in a dark suit looking for a job.
If the human rights activists think that gitmo is torture then i challenge them to spend 1 or 2 weeks let alone 13 weeks at A4E.
The people there are supposed to help you find a job but they treat you worse than toddlers. These people are being paid by the government (so much that they have been able to move to some posh new offices) so that they can the unemployed off of the books and you have to basically ask for permission to go to the toilet (due to the fact that they are locked).
There is also a large amount of favoritism going on there. One day i was looking on the Internet for jobs, there were two others in the room as well as me. I got a bollocking for not working fast enough (because apparently there are plenty of jobs for a teenager with no experience of work) while the other two were just told to get on with work. One of these two was playing on games (which are supposed to be blocked by a firewall) and the other one was looking at pictures of guns. If I was to of done even one of these things I would doubtless be chucked off straight away.

And they seem to expect you to know that you can reverse charge a call without them telling you. One day I had to go to the doctors and the only appointment i could get was early in the morning, so I went afterwards and as soon as I walked through the door, one of the advisers flew at me straight away (despite the fact she was nothing to do with me) about where had I been, do I realize what time it is and when I was finally able to get a word in and told her she said that I was shouting at her and basically being shirty with her and got put on a report.image source https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjcw3zO3PNCd9XGP4bokIUgolnH4e4nsQbEog1qj7sus4-DpfZyAYml3ZDjWzbik7tifJ37b_qXib59PS4RAFVe2VxN6dPy0Pw7x5_OB_-jf9acQb6re6mig04uCxif8boT008Sd-iZXtTT/s660/salute+a4e.jpg